(This part of the blog was written by the paternal half of the couple-Pat)
I would like to start by saying I am writing this blog to fulfill my contractual obligations to my wife. When she wanted to do this blog thing she originally said that we could each write one. So of course I objected, I reasoned that the observations that I would be putting in here could only get me in major trouble (how much weight I have noticed she has gained, how moody she has been, etc) so after about an hour of protest we compromised to one entry.... so here you have it.
This is actually kind of cool because Brenda had an ultrasound yesterday, so I get to tell you all about the details (from my perspective).
Brenda and I have been debating for some time about whether we should find out the sex of our baby. I was on the side of science, technology, appropriate planning, and general common sense. Brenda on the other side was on the side of "old-fashioned" stubborness. I will spare you most of the details but I actually won this debate. We actually did decide to find out the sex. (For those of you who know me I usually let Brenda have her way because she is spoiled and it is just easier but not this time, so this is a big deal).
So we get to the hospital and Brenda has had about 4 gallons of water because they told her to do that. I asked the tecnician why they make them drink so much water and she says to me.."it's to help see the baby better"...well duhh, thanks for that info... I thought it was just so you could watch my wife writhe in agony. (I never really got a straight answer on that.)
So Brenda gets this jelly stuff smeared all over her belly (that's where the baby lives) and then the technician goes to work with her magic wand, periodically stopping to tell us that some blob on the screen is a leg, a lip, hand, head, etc. Seriously she could have told me anything it all looked like a plate of scrambled eggs to me. According to her though everything looked good.
Then came the moment we had been waiting for, and boy were we surprised......two heartbeats...just kidding. That would have been crazy though!
But thenvb fogr toj tllhe Girfhrl aqwdnd swwhe saifdgd thwenw Boy no for how doesrtue!
So needless to say we are both super excited! Hope you enjoyed my blog.
It's been a while!
9 years ago