Maizlyn's first time chilling underneath a shade tree at the cabin. She loved watching the leaves move in the breeze. While at daycare last month, she bugged out after noticing the clouds. I must say it's really fun rediscovering the world with Maizie!
Maizlyn having fun playing with her future aunt Kathy on the Fourth of July!
Maizlyn's first boat ride. She was really calm, acted like she had done it before and fell asleep shortly into our cruise.
Last month Maizie took a sudden interest in everything I was eating and/or drinking. She skipped over sippy cups and went straight to "lapping" water out of my glass. I love this picture!
Here I am eating my first vegetable -- sweet potatoes. 2 1/2 weeks later, I am much better at getting the food in my mouth rather than all over my face! I love all of the food mommy & daddy feed me. So far, I've also had pears, peaches, bananas, green peas & green beans. Tomorrow I get to try applesauce!