While daddy enjoyed a guy's weekend, mommy and Maizie went to the lake. Maizlyn had fun with her buckets and shovels in the sand. And...she said "puppy" a few times this weekend! Usually she says "bah-bah" whenever she sees an animal. She is also responding "yeah" to most of my questions."Maizie, do you want to go down the slide?" "Yeah.""Maizie, do you want something to eat?" "Yeah.""Mommy needs to change your diaper." "No!" Rather than ask about the diaper, I tell her as I quickly realized her response is always "no" and no is not an option in that department. Ha!
Bonnie & Paul's nephews Hugo & Walter were at the cabin this weekend too. Hugo especially liked keeping Maizie company.
I should have put my swim suit on...Maizie loved sitting in her water float. She easily kept herself entertained in it for a half hour. Most of the time, she just chilled with her hands in the water and lightly splashed. So much fun!
Godmother and Godchild chilling at the lake. How sweet! We are pretty excited for Maizlyn Reese. Not only is she going to be a SIBLING, she is also going to be a COUSIN late this fall!! We are thrilled, as we only have a niece and nephews on Pat's side of the family.
Maizie's Godfather teaching her how to drive the boat and honk the horn. Today was the perfect day at the lake!
My college roommate's son celebrates his 1st birthday this week. To celebrate the miracle that he is (he had a heart condition--SVT and became very ill at just a few days old and fought hard to become a very healthy boy - www.caringbridge.org/wilkenmiller), Jean & Jon threw him a birthday party Saturday. Above, Maizie had fun driving Jean's daughter's car.
How did Wil enjoy his birthday cake? This picture says it all!
Much to Grandma Felling & Grandma Jennissen's delight, we can finally put "ponytails" in Maizie's hair!