Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sorry it has been awhile since I've updated. I've been pretty busy with school, family, work and life in general. We had our ultrasound July 20th. Baby is developing quite nicely. Baby measured in at 21 weeks, 3 days - exactly where I was at that day. According to measurements, baby weighs approximately 1 lb. and the ultrasound showed baby is breech. Maizlyn was frank breech (feet by head) and lil' one is either complete breech (sitting cross-legged) or footling breech (feet first). Apparently, my uterus is friendly to the breech presentation. ;-) We'll see if baby stays that way... Unfortunately, I was not able to save the pictures as jpgs so I cannot post any pictures of #2. Sorry! Pictured above I am 26.4 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow (8.28) marks 27 weeks and the start of my third trimester. Baby weighs ~2 lbs and is ~15 inches long. My next Dr. appt is next Thursday, 9.3.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, America!

We had a wonderful weekend at the cabin!! Patrick and I both had Friday off so we enjoyed a long weekend with family and friends. We went swimming, boating, jet-skiing and running. Saturday night we enjoyed the array of fireworks across the lake over a bonfire with a couple friends and family. Sunday we did our annual Felling get-together. It was hard to go back to work Monday...
I'm feeling really well. My belly is pretty hard to miss and the baby is kicking and moving a lot...especially at night. We have our ultrasound in two weeks. Tomorrow marks the halfway point for me. Yay!! I'm getting very excited to meet this little person growing inside of me. November will be here before I know it!
Maizlyn received her first jet ski ride of the year this weekend.
Maizlyn enjoying one of her floats.
When we went down to the lakeshore, Maizie immediately walked to the water, sat down and started playing with her bucket and shovel.

A video of Maizlyn practicing her boat driving skills and blowing a kiss to mommy.

Video of a giggling little girl having fun with her mama!