Maizie points out where her little sister is. I am 28.6 weeks pregnant in this picture. The 'lil one has hit a growth spurt. I have been feeling my stomach stretching over the last 36 hours. As Maizie says, "owwie.." She is really strong too! I am pretty sure I have internal bruising from her moves. She is definitely giving Maizlyn a run for her money as to who was/is stronger in utero. ;-) At my 28 week appointment I was measuring small so we did an ultrasound at 29 weeks just to make sure baby was developing normally. Happy to report that all is well! Baby weighed approximately 3 lbs at that ultrasound (two weeks ago). 8 weeks from today we will be holding our newborn baby!!

Paul and Patrick made a make-shift playhouse for Maizlyn out of a couple boxes we had. Maizie loves playing in them and brought daddy in to read to her.

Miss M often takes a bowl of grapes or a couple of mini oreos and runs to her favorite spot to eat them - on the granite slab in front of the fireplace. We find it humorous.

Somebody enjoys ice cream just like her mama. As I was making dinner a couple weeks ago, Maizie decided to grab a spoon and help herself to some ice cream from the freezer!
Below is a clip of Maizie showing off one of the onesies we received from our couple's baby shower a couple years ago. Too funny!