Christmas 2008 was Maizlyn's first Christmas and Christmas 2009 brought another first Christmas for Livia and her cousin Graham. What a wonderful year and awesome Thanksgiving & Christmas we were blessed with. 2008 and 2009 were two of my favorite years. I love my life journey and look forward to growing older with my wonderful husband and beautiful daughters! Liv slept much of her first Christmas. Nothing is more peaceful than watching a sleeping baby...especially when it is your own. We are so blessed.
Opening gifts at Jennissen family Christmas.
Maizie & Papa Jennissen getting ready to go outside and play.
Grandma Felling relaxing on Christmas Day with her second grandchild.
Papa Felling & Maizie reading books.
Family Picture on Christmas Day. Needless to say, Maizie wasn't up for posing for this picture. Come to think of it, I don't think Patrick was too excited either. Oh well, he'll enjoy looking back at how much hair he had that day. ;-)
Apparently, she'd rather pose by herself!
Graham & Livia chilling together on their first Christmas Eve.
Maizie opening up her toy kitchen set from Santa Christmas morning.
Patrick & Maizie went sledding on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve as a child/teen, my family would go skiing, sledding or do something fun together and Pat's family would play cards & do generic gifts. We hope to do a combination of our traditions.
Maizlyn and I made Christmas cookie cut-outs together. We had fun and I hope it becomes another tradition!
Maizlyn has been a good big sister. She doesn't mess with Livie too much. She'll often go over to her (unprompted) and give her a kiss on the lips or forehead. It's so sweet! She's also a good helper -- getting me a diaper or rattle for Liv. Yesterday she put a bunch of small stuffed animals and rattles in Liv's crib. I had to laugh & take a picture, which I posted below. I also posted a couple snapsots of their first days and weeks together.
11.26.2009 - Maizie had just finished taking a bath and we couldn't help but take a picture of the two side-by-side. It was pretty sweet as they just studied each other for awhile.
12.12.2009 - Miss M giving Liv a kiss...this one was prompted. ;-)
12.12.2009 - Checking each other out on a Saturday morning.