Friday, January 29, 2010

Livia's Baptism

Livia was baptized on 12.27.09. Below are some pictures from her celebration into the church community.

Me and Patrick with Livia's godparents Ryan & Beth.

Grandpa & Grandma Jennissen with our family.

Grandma & Grandpa Felling with our family.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Another "First" Christmas

Christmas 2008 was Maizlyn's first Christmas and Christmas 2009 brought another first Christmas for Livia and her cousin Graham. What a wonderful year and awesome Thanksgiving & Christmas we were blessed with. 2008 and 2009 were two of my favorite years. I love my life journey and look forward to growing older with my wonderful husband and beautiful daughters! Liv slept much of her first Christmas. Nothing is more peaceful than watching a sleeping baby...especially when it is your own. We are so blessed.

Opening gifts at Jennissen family Christmas.

Maizie & Papa Jennissen getting ready to go outside and play.

Grandma Felling relaxing on Christmas Day with her second grandchild.

Papa Felling & Maizie reading books.

Family Picture on Christmas Day. Needless to say, Maizie wasn't up for posing for this picture. Come to think of it, I don't think Patrick was too excited either. Oh well, he'll enjoy looking back at how much hair he had that day. ;-)

Apparently, she'd rather pose by herself!

Graham & Livia chilling together on their first Christmas Eve.

Maizie opening up her toy kitchen set from Santa Christmas morning.
Patrick & Maizie went sledding on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve as a child/teen, my family would go skiing, sledding or do something fun together and Pat's family would play cards & do generic gifts. We hope to do a combination of our traditions.
Maizlyn and I made Christmas cookie cut-outs together. We had fun and I hope it becomes another tradition!

Proud Big Sister

Maizlyn has been a good big sister. She doesn't mess with Livie too much. She'll often go over to her (unprompted) and give her a kiss on the lips or forehead. It's so sweet! She's also a good helper -- getting me a diaper or rattle for Liv. Yesterday she put a bunch of small stuffed animals and rattles in Liv's crib. I had to laugh & take a picture, which I posted below. I also posted a couple snapsots of their first days and weeks together.

11.26.2009 - Maizie had just finished taking a bath and we couldn't help but take a picture of the two side-by-side. It was pretty sweet as they just studied each other for awhile.

12.12.2009 - Miss M giving Liv a kiss...this one was prompted. ;-)

12.12.2009 - Checking each other out on a Saturday morning.

11.28.2009 - The first of many sister pictures.