Let me translate his jibberish. We're having a girl!! The ultrasound technician looked a couple different times and said she is fairly confident that we are having a girl. When she announced her findings, I felt tears of joy roll down the right side of my face (as my head was turned to face the monitor). Obviously, Pat and I would be thrilled with either a boy or a girl; it was just such a special moment that I will never forget.
Above right are two profile pictures of our little one steadily growing inside me. She is moving around quite a bit now and is especially active mid-afternoon and late evening.

At bottom right is a blown-up ultrasound picture of her foot. Her five tiny toes are so precious! I am really looking forward to being a mom and meeting our little girl. We have a name picked out but we are not sharing until the big day. We want to give everyone something more to look forward to!
1 comment:
Loe the ultrasound pictures! Isn't it soo exciting! We can't wait to meet our new neice! About time that the Jennissen streak ended! (Ohh, I do love those boys though!)
Take Care,
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