Maternity leave bliss has come to an end. I returned to work Monday, 3.31.08. My welcome back to the road was a snow storm! My boss allowed me an admin day to catch up on some e-mail and other tasks. I'm nowhere near caught up but it definitely helped! Tomorrow & Friday I have a meeting in MPLS so it's going to be a couple of long days. I am so thankful for the 12.5 weeks at home with Maizlyn. I enjoyed and savored every moment. It was absolutely fantastic and I will always cherish that time and all of my time with my little girl. Above, Maizie and I cuddled on my last Saturday before work. As you can see, I chopped my hair. 12+ inches!! I donated it to Locks of Love. One more thing I can check off my "bucket list." ; )
Today our Maizlyn Reese is 3 months old. Unbelievable! She is growing so fast. Here is a big smile for mommy.
Our little girl continues to get stronger. Here she is showing off on her "surfboard." She is sooo close to rolling over. She rolls from her tummy to her back to her side and can't quite get over her arm. She is also rolling from her back to her tummy and has figured out how to move on her back by pushing off on her heels. It's so much fun watching her move!
Maizlyn did great on her first roadtrip to Madison, WI last month to visit her aunt, uncle & cousins. Godson Jacob (a self-proclaimed baby expert) brought Maizie his baby blanket, stuffed animal and rattle to use for the day. He's such a great cousin!
Here she is with daddy and John. Johnny loves to say "hi baby Maizie" and give her lots of love!
Bren, I love your hair!! That's such a great thing you did. Maizie is a beauty. I'm sorry you had to go back to work - seems like it flew by! Thanks for all the pics! I love 'em.
Brenda: I hope the transition going back to work is a smooth one, but don't feel bad if it takes awhile to get back in the swing of things. Your hair does look awesome! What a great thing you did! We can't believe Miss Maizie is 3 months old already. We love you!
She is so cute!!
I love that picture of you and her on the couch!
Bren, I love your hair!! That's such a great thing you did. Maizie is a beauty. I'm sorry you had to go back to work - seems like it flew by!
Thanks for all the pics! I love 'em.
I hope the transition going back to work is a smooth one, but don't feel bad if it takes awhile to get back in the swing of things. Your hair does look awesome! What a great thing you did! We can't believe Miss Maizie is 3 months old already. We love you!
I absolutely LOVE the hair!!! Can't wait to see you again, get sick or something, would you??? ;)
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