Here I am at 8 months pregnant! Patrick & I have attended two of five nights of our birthing classes thus far. We were pleasantly surprised to find a familiar face in the class: Shannon Essler Petty and her husband Richard. Shannon's brother Derek and I were classmates and Shannon used to date one of Patrick's good friends in high school. Our dads are pretty good sports -- having had to "endure" wearing a sling filled with 30 lbs of bean bags, learning how to ease our back labor if applicable, and other relaxation techniques for us moms. I must say Pat has been especially helpful lately. I must have outdid myself working in the house during yesterday's snow storm as my calves & lower back hurt. Patrick very willingly massaged my calves and promised a back massage this evening. Yea! He got to ride our snowmobile this afternoon and since I cannot venture out on it until after baby arrives, I don't feel guilty asking for and enjoying his pampering. According to my references, baby weighs ~5 lbs and is 18-19 inches long. I feel bad as I haven't regularly exercised for a month. It's hard to motivate myself when it's cold outside. I really should at least stretch to make recovery easier on myself. Hope everyone is enjoying the snow as much as I am!!
Oh, what a wonderful husband you have. (I bet he looked really good in the pregnancy belly...LOL!!!).
Can't wait to see you all at Christmas!! (Baby J's gifts are already wrapped!!!!!)
You look so cute! Are you getting sick of hearing that one? I hope we can get together soon. Good luck with the crib! Love you!
You're looking good Brenda! Can't even tell you are pregnant! Miss you.
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