I love my midwife! Last week she asked me when my next appointment was. I told her Dec. 31st and she requested that I come in today, as it is good to be monitored weekly this close to the end of your pregnancy. My weight & bp is good and I'm measuring about the same I was last week. She's estimating baby to be 5 1/2 - 6 lbs and figures that she'll be around 7 lbs at birth but that's obviously a rough estimate -- I was over 9 lbs at birth! Last week we "placed" the feet, butt, back & head. This week she wasn't convinced that the head was down anymore so she did a pelvic exam. I am not dilating yet and she couldn't feel the head/skull in my lower abdomen. Thus, she ordered and came with me to an ultrasound to verify. The u/s showed what she suspected...baby is frank breech! Her feet are up over her head and she's facing my back. I guess we got our wish that baby inherits mommy's flexibility. : ) That would also explain why it feels like her feet are going to poke out of my right side constantly. My midwife is going to consult with my ob to see if he recommends a version (outside manipulation to get the baby turned around), scheduled C-section or wait and see. Baby could possibly turn on her own and life would be good. If not, we may need to do a scheduled c-section. I am just very grateful that we know she's in this position in case I do go into labor before a decision is made. I will keep you all posted...
Other updates -- Tomorrow night we have our last birthing class. Our crib finally came in Dec. 8th and we're still waiting for the changing table.
We're very excited for Christmas. We'll be celebrating with Patrick's family this weekend and my family on Christmas Eve & Day. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spirit of Christmas!
It's been a while!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Guess what...? Your midwife loves you back! ;)
You've got one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen... she's breathtaking. Enjoy every day with her, babyhood is so fleeting. Hugs to you and your family!
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