Monday, November 19, 2007

Baby Has Been to MN, SD, NE, CO, UT & AZ in 4 Days

Patrick and I have been on a road trip with my sister and brother-in-law that began Friday night. We were lucky enough to visit our friends Kelly & Sarah in Dillon, CO Saturday. It was fun to visit and talk pregnancy with them, as they are expecting their first child May 9th! Thanks again for the hospitality & great time, K & S!!
Today we visited Zion National Park, Lees Ferry & Grand Canyon. Tomorrow we are going to explore Sedona and then meet up with my parents, brother Merle & his girlfriend Kathy in Phoenix. Baby must be growing b/c my stomach hurts really bad from stretching so much the last few days. Less than 8 weeks to go...very excited. Enjoy a few pictures from our trip thus far!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thank you oh dear little baby Jesus by Patrick

I want to take this moment to thank society for not forcing me to take part in the formal annointing of the womb known as "baby showers"......That being said I regretfully would like to announce my official resignation from "manhood". Apparently at some point in the recent past I agreed to attending a "couples shower" . I can only assume that I was asked during the middle of aVikings game or an important episode of Family Guy or Seinfeld. I do not tell you this as an excuse but as a warning to the complete male population. We have always known that "they" like to "strike" during these most vulnerable times and for that reason I should have been more cautious. I only have myself to blame and I make a promise to the rest of the male race that I will do my best to assure that an attrocity like this will never happen again.

In case you have not been able to grasp the magnitude of this enormous collapse in concentration & judgement on my part please note the following activities that I am apparently in store for this weekend.
- design a "onesie"??
- guess how many diapers are located in a basket?????
- guess how "round" my wife is by cutting a string?????????????????
- Gossip about [Insert name of some woman that works with one of my wife's friends]....ex:"can you believe what a bitch[Insert same name] is?"!!!!

Consider yourselves warned!!!

One more thing...I would like to point out that Brenda spends a lot of time working on this site(I personally witnessed her try to get the pics below in the right order for about 10 minutes and heard no less than 6 "curse" words, most of which seemed to be directed at me which didn't seem to be very nice, so make sure you post comments on the site so I know that my tears and dejected soul aren't all for not).

A Human is Growing Inside of Me

Our little girl is continuously exploring her surroundings. I often find myself laughing at her acrobatic moves. It still amazes me that there is a human growing inside of me! Lately I've been finding myself staring at my stomach and trying to guess what body part I see push out and move across my stomach. It's such an incredible feeling and I know I'll miss it once she arrives. I am becoming more and more excited to meet our daughter and see what traits she has. Will she have the same mole me, my mom and sister all have? Will she be a blondie or brunette? Will she have her daddy's nose or mommy's? Will she have her daddy's natural ability to tease, her mommy's organizational much to look forward to.

My sister and sister-in-law Jen (pictured above) gave me a baby shower this past weekend. Thanks again sisters for throwing me such a wonderful baby shower and thank you to everyone for coming! I had a wonderful time seeing everyone and sharing my excitement with you! Here is a picture of a blanket soon-to-be grandma Felling made for her granddaughter. It is so soft and I am excited to snuggle in it with baby!
Here I am at 7 months pregnant with the excited grandmothers-to-be.